Payload contains two or more files with the same destination path

I was trying to debug why I can’t set the SmallLogoUri and HeaderBackground for Callisto SettingsFlyout with Caliburn.Micro (For more detail, please see my last post, WinRT Settings with Caliburn.Micro).

So I download the Caliburn.Micro from codeplex , add required projects (i.e., Caliburn.Micro.WinRT and Caliburn.Micro.WinRT.Extensions) to my solutions.


When I tried to build the solution, I got the error.

Error    1    Payload contains two or more files with the same destination path ‘Windows.UI.Interactivity.dll’. Source files:
C:\Users\Karlkim\documents\visual studio 2012\Projects\CaliburnSettings\packages\Windows.UI.Interactivity.\lib\win\Windows.UI.Interactivity.dll
C:\Users\Karlkim\Downloads\caliburnmicro-ae25b519bf1e46a506c85395f04aaffb654c0a08\src\packages\Windows.UI.Interactivity.\lib\win\Windows.UI.Interactivity.dll    CaliburnSettings

To resolve the issue, just change the “Copy Local” property of Windows.UI.Interactivity in the WinRT project () to False.


And you should be able to build the solution successfully now!

4 thoughts on “Payload contains two or more files with the same destination path

  1. Pingback: c# - Upgrading WP8 to Silverlight WP8.1, payload contains two or more files with same destination - CSS PHP

  2. Pingback: This link saved my day – Payload contains two or more files with the same destination path – nicruo

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